Welcome to Scouty's Blog... Page.. Thing

Welcome to Scouty’s Blog... Page... Thing. 

Here I’ll be mostly talking about music, whether it be live music, in album form, or general ponderings. I’ll mostly be talking about albums that have been wagging my tail lately, or happen to be in my record player/car at the moment. Some new stuff, some older stuff, some Australian, some from the rest of the world, there is no clearly defined scope.

I like to think of myself as a renaissance man; I would rather know a little bit about everything than everything about a little bit. My first loves are punk, ska, and metal. However lately I have been listening to a lot of Progressive rock. I will not restrict myself to just those genres. Here you’ll read about pretty much any genre; from Skip Hop to Kawaii Metal, from Classical to Punk, Folk to Funk, whatever happens to be on my mind.

For reference, I live and work in Sydney, hence all the Aussie music. I previously held admin and PA roles at Difrnt Music, and MGM records, but now work in the public sector in a non-creative role. I have also worked at several festivals in ticketing and admin roles like Big Day Out, Homebake, and Parklife. On occasion, I did organise my own shows, but that was mostly so I could see gigs with what I thought was an awesome line up.

At university I did my undergrad at JMC Academy, where I earned a Bachelor of Entertainment (Business Management) and the Elizabeth Cass Award (dux of college). I followed this up with a Masters of Commerce (Strategic Management) at the University of Sydney. I spent a lot of that degree focusing on the creative industries as well. Everyone else was dressed in office wear; while I was dressed like… well… a uni student. When we did a case study on The Wiggles and their franchising abilities, everyone wanted me in their group.

At gigs I’ll spend a lot of my time chatting about music by bands that are not playing that night, swapping recommendations of bands that are similar to the ones who are playing, or just different enough to open the listener’s views of the world.

I hope to be a guide to someone’s first step into many new worlds.


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